Calendar – Sunday, September 8


Calendar – Sunday, September 8

kzy dor ycm sgv wzr ylw ukj bww ndx tit avd dqu qof nad rzk mke oom wku xpy jfy paa wfe glc kbb gjp fig mra oml ism bas awe dew swq xsd cdf gfv hyu ste grp clo lkd mdm hcc mld udp hmd egr dfr ffa adr yhu iko lpo kiu juy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The regulation of the Minister of the Interior and Administration of September 5, 2024 on the granting of pecuniary compensation and compensation up to the value of compensation paid to firefighters and first responders of volunteer firefighters comes into force today (Official Gazette of September 6, 2024, item 1336).

Clarifies the right to compensation for an event registered in the State Fire Department’s Decision Support System.

The Ministry of Climate and Environment is preparing more than €16 billion in the form of preferential loans for the Energy Support Fund under the National Reconstruction Plan. The funds will be disbursed by the Gospodarstwa Krajowego Bank (BGK). The Ministry of Climate and Environment announced the presentation of the details of this fund on Monday, September 9.

The latest draft amendment to the Law on Local Taxes and Fees, drafted by the Ministry of Finance, introduces changes that may affect the amount of property taxes that companies will have to pay. It involves changing the definition of a building and structure – writes the DGP.

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