Bahian singer Simone Mendes performs for the first time at Rock in Rio: ‘Forever in my memory’

Regina Pierce

Bahian singer Simone Mendes performs for the first time at Rock in Rio: ‘Forever in my memory’

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A Bahian singer Simone Mendes makes her first appearance at Rock in Rioon Saturday night (21), on Brazil Day. This festival celebrates Brazilian rhythms, including country music.

Simon go on stage to sing together Chitozinho and Xororo. “Forever in my memory. One of the most memorable moments of my life,” the singer explained.

During the show, she sang Yummy Error Successand was joined by an audience that knew all the lyrics by heart. “So much love, I’m speechless,” she wrote in a story featuring the moment.

The artist also sang Friends page, recorded by Chitãozinho and Xororó and Marília Mendonça.

Ahead of her performance at Rock in Rio, Simone highlighted the importance of the moment for the country singer.I am very nervous, it is a very special day. However, for us in the countryside, it is a victory. Today is a day full of emotions.. Today is Rock in Rio day,” he said.

The Heliópolis Symphony Orchestra, Junior and Ana Castela also performed at Para sempre Sertanejo.

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