Striker for Esporte Clube Bahia and the Bahia Adapted Sports Association, Patrícia Santos was called up by the Brazilian Amputee Football Confederation to compete in the sport’s first World Cup. The tournament takes place between October 30 and November 12, in Barranquilla, Colombia. For the Bahian tricolor, athletes have already champion of the North-Northeast Cup; Brazilian Serie B Championship; Brazilian Cup; and three-time Bahian champion.
“Before my amputation, I had played football, but not very often. From 2020 onwards, I met a lot of people through social media and fell in love with the sport. They welcomed me with open arms and today I am here. It feels great to be part of the Brazilian team. It was a dream for each of us to be there, and thank God, I made it,” said Patricia, who is also a boxing student at the Combat and Combat Sports Center Project at the Bahia Boxing and Martial Arts Center, in Largo de Roma, in the Lower Town.