It started with the implementation of a “frequent flyer tax” which works in the opposite way to the “miles” loyalty system: the more passengers fly, the higher the unit price of the ticket.
Reduce emissions by 13%
According to modeling by the Climate Action Network (RAC), this measure “would reduce emissions from the air sector by 13.1%, while providing the greatest possible relief to the majority of regular passengers and generating revenues of 2.5 billion (euros). It would also contribute, according to the RAC, to “guaranteeing the recovery of the railways” and “increasing tax fairness among French society”.
Other proposals include a ban on the use of private jets, the elimination of short-haul flights or the establishment of a quota of one return trip per year and per person.
20% of households
Air transport is used “mainly by wealthy, urban, affluent and younger people to go on holiday”, underlines the Climate Action Network.