An employer slandered on the Internet can demand an apology and compensation or compensation


An employer slandered on the Internet can demand an apology and compensation or compensation

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An employer slandered on the Internet can demand an apology and compensation or compensation

Under Article 23 of the Civil Code (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code), personal rights – namely health, liberty, honour, freedom of conscience, name or surname, image, confidentiality of correspondence, inviolability of the home, scientific, artistic, inventive and rationalisation work – remain under the protection of civil law. It should be noted that good name and honour (understood as dignity) are concepts that cover all areas of a person’s personal, professional and social life. Their violation occurs through slander of negative behaviour in personal and family life, as well as through accusations of inappropriate behaviour in professional life, which undermines the good name of a given person and may expose him or her to the loss of trust necessary for the exercise of a profession or other activity (judgment of the Warsaw Court of Appeal of 6 July 2016, reference number IACa 1377/15).

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