On Thursday, it emerged that the court had allowed the application of pre-trial detention against the former head of the Government Agency for Strategic Reserves, Michał K., which will allow the issuance of an arrest warrant. Bodnar was asked whether such actions were not excessive.
Adam Bodnar: Application in the case of Michał K. due to the fact that his place of stay cannot be determined
– This is not an exaggeration, because first of all: the decision was made by the court at the request of the public prosecutor’s office. This request has not been pending for a day, it has been two weeks since it was filed. It was not possible to determine the place of residence and stay of Michał K. on the territory of the Republic of Poland, therefore these requests and the court agreed with them. This means that the commission of the act was substantiated and these allegations were taken into account by the court. The issuance of such a decision by the court provides the basis for the public prosecutor’s office to issue an arrest warrant, Bodnar explained.
– In this case, the method of action is for the Public Prosecutor’s Office to present a whole set of information that someone is not in Poland or that their whereabouts cannot be determined – he added.
Michał K. is accused of operating in an organized criminal group, exceeding his powers and failing to fulfill his duties for financial gain. Charges have also been brought against Paweł Sz., a manufacturer of patriotic clothing. In his case, the court did not agree with the provisional arrest (the public prosecutor’s office will appeal this decision). Paweł Sz.’s lawyers – as Bodnar reported – have requested a so-called safe conduct that would allow their client to return to the country.