“Active Parent” takes effect. Parents can now apply for ‘grandmother’

Victor Boolen

“Active Parent” takes effect. Parents can now apply for ‘grandmother’

All as part of the Active Parent programme. Its purpose is to make it easier for caregivers to reconcile parenting tasks with professional activation. Applications for benefits can now be submitted to ZUS.

Three benefits for “active parents.”

Active Parent consists of three benefits: Active Parent at Work, Active Parent at Daycare, and Active Parent at Home. Who is entitled? Therefore, the “grandmother’s” benefit, i.e. the “actively employed parents” benefit, amounts to 1,500 zlotys per month for two years, i.e. from the 12th to the 35th month of the child’s life. Caregivers of children with disabilities will receive greater support – PLN 1,900 per month. Those entitled to this will decide for themselves what to spend the money they have received on.

Three new benefits for families with children. The active parent is waiting for the boss

The second benefit, i.e. “Activity in foster care”, aims to replace the current subsidy of up to PLN 400 for stay in foster care institutions for children up to three years of age. The benefit will be directed to parents of children who use a nursery, kids club or daycare provider.

The support will amount to 1,500 PLN per month or up to 1,900 PLN per month for a disabled child. From October 1, a caregiver can apply for a new, higher benefit.

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