A two-year-old boy was rescued after having an epileptic seizure on a Florianópolis beach

Victor Boolen

A two-year-old boy was rescued after having an epileptic seizure on a Florianópolis beach

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Florianópolis Beach recorded a child having an epileptic seizure.

The child’s febrile seizure was treated and treated, making it no longer life-threatening (Photo: CBMSC, Disclosure)

A two-year-old boy was rescued on Saturday afternoon (28) after suffering an epileptic seizure on Canasvieiras Beach, in the north of the island, in Florianópolis. The operation involved the Arcanjo helicopter of the Santa Catarina Military Fire Department (CBMSC).

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According to the incident, firefighters were called to initially respond to a drowning case and arrest a two-year-old child. Upon arriving at the scene, the child was on the sand and was treated by Samoa doctors who were on board along with military firefighters.

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During treatment, it became clear that the matter was not drowning, but rather a convulsive crisis. The child showed symptoms of fever and was treated at the scene before being transported to UPA Norte.

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The child was treated and his febrile seizures were treated.

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