A Russian rocket nearly hit a Polish cemetery. 30 meters to go


A Russian rocket nearly hit a Polish cemetery. 30 meters to go

The incident occurred August 27thapprox. 6:30 am local time (5:30 am in Poland).

Shoot down a Russian missile

The rocket flying towards Kiev was shot down by air defense. Its fragments fell into the forest of the village of Bykownia, where the Polish War Cemetery, opened in 2012, is located in the cemetery of victims of communism.

Fragments of the rocket along with a warhead with a 700-kilogram explosive charge fell 30-50 meters from the Polish cemetery.

700 kilo failure

If the warhead had exploded at this location, there would be nothing left of the monument.. Thank God it didn’t explode and only caught fire in the forest. – said Netreba.

There was a fire, but our staff and firefighters quickly extinguished it. The sappers who arrived at the scene found that the warhead, which fortunately did not explode, contained an explosive charge weighing 700 kilos.. Good thing it was all limited to fire – he emphasized.

On the forest road that leads to the cemetery, you can see burnt grass and blackened tree trunks. Some of them have broken ends. The place where the fire was extinguished is still marked with red and white tape.

Polish War Cemetery in Bykownia

In Bykovnia, near Kiev, approximately 150,000 people were buried in mass graves, victims of communism of various nationalities, including approximately 3,500 Poles from the Katyn list, murdered in 1940. The Bykivnia cemetery is, near Pyatichatki in Kharkov, one of the two Katyn cemeteries located in Ukraine..

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