Information has appeared on the darknet that has caused quite a stir. Hackers have announced that they have managed to obtain up to 960 GB of data from Holding1. Data that may have been leaked includes:
- Names and surnames
- Residential addresses
- Phone numbers
- Email addresses
- Dates of birth
- ID card numbers
- Driver’s License Numbers
It’s not just personal data that’s in the hands of cybercriminals. Specific documents have also been leaked, including:
- Photos of the accident damage
- Documents on painting methods
- Replacement Car Rental Related Charts
- Regulations and contract templates
- B2B Contracts
This type of data leak is a real “gold mine” for cybercriminals who can use this information for various types of fraud.
Holding1 data leak. Who is at risk?
Holding1 is no small company. It includes brands such as Express Car Rental, Autopunkt, Traficar and the Polish Dealer Group, which represents many popular car brands including Alfa Romeo, Fiat, Ford, Hyundai, Nissan and Renault.
It is known that Holding1 has already started sending warnings to its customers, informing them about the potential threat. The company claims that there is no evidence that the data was used, but extreme caution is advised in such situations. Holding1 administrators recommend special caution when making transactions and changing passwords.