A Polish company has found a solution for speech problems. It all started with zombies


A Polish company has found a solution for speech problems. It all started with zombies

A Polish company has found a solution for speech problems. It all started with zombies

As he emphasizes, speech therapy has so far been a relatively undigitized field and operates based on traditional, sometimes even outdated, methods. “Chats have the chance to change this on a global scale,” he argues.

Investors’ money will certainly help achieve this goal. – The funds raised will allow us to expand our own team of AI developers and engineers, as well as the next final iteration of our proprietary AI algorithm, which will diagnose speech defects in children – says Jakub Śledź.

The start-up will soon announce plans for external expansion.

– We are specifying the launch dates of the application in other countries – confirms the co-founder of Pogaduszek.

AI diagnoses speech defects and treats them with games

The AI-powered chats independently diagnose children and detect which speech-language pathologies require therapy. Another module, also based on AI, performs therapy based on immersive voice-controlled games. This is an innovative solution in this industry. It is important to note that from the very beginning of the interaction with the app, the child will have the feeling of being part of a game and not of technologically advanced speech-language diagnosis and therapy. Interestingly, the innovative platform aims to not only conquer the screens of mobile devices. The start-up has an interesting plan, but for now it is keeping the details secret.

– Our platform is part of a larger universe. For now, we can only reveal that we have just signed a letter of intent with one of the broadcasters for the production of an animated series, so our sprites will also show their speech-language superpowers on screens larger than a smartphone, says Mariusz Pitura.

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