The woman is said to have suffocated her child on the evening of March 4. Rescue workers found the girl dead in an apartment in Bad Godesberg, and she died shortly afterwards in hospital.
The mother herself gave the hint. The woman was recently rescued by passers-by from the Rhine River in the immediate vicinity of the Dollendorf ferry pier and was taken to a clinic. The woman responded and was taken to the clinic in an ambulance and provided the assistants with advice. They must search for her daughter who is in her apartment – in an apartment building on Konstantinstrasse in Rüngsdorf. There, rescue workers found the girl lifeless. The child was immediately transferred to Bonn University Hospital while he was being resuscitated. But in vain. The six-year-old died at the Children’s Emergency Center.
The mother was released from hospital the next day, on March 5, and was provisionally detained on suspicion of manslaughter and sent to custody. According to the police, there was no evidence of the presence of a third person, and it was said that the father was not present in Bonn at the time of the crime. The trial is scheduled to continue until October 10.
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