A man rapes and threatens his niece with death in the interior of Amazonas

Victor Boolen

A man rapes and threatens his niece with death in the interior of Amazonas
Photo: Disclosure/PC-AM

A 32-year-old man was arrested on Friday (11) for raping a vulnerable person against his 12-year-old niece in Manakapuru. The crime was committed in Iranduba, in the interior of Amazonas.

According to Delegate Mauro Soares, head of the Manakapuru DIP, the court order was executed after the police team of the 31st DIP of Iranduba informed the Manakapuru Civil Police officers that the perpetrator was believed to be in the municipality.

“Investigations carried out by the municipal police team, coordinated by Delegate Raul Augusto Neto, holder of the 31st DIP, show that the man sexually assaulted his own niece and even threatened her with death so that she would not say anything .to everyone,” the delegate said.

According to the delegate, the man was arrested on Avenida Barão do Rio Branco, in Manacapuru.

The man will be charged with the rape of a vulnerable person and is available for court.

*With information from a consulting firm

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