A great return to Wiejska Street. The first post-holiday session of the Sejm


A great return to Wiejska Street. The first post-holiday session of the Sejm

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When will the next sessions of the Sejm take place?

According to the information provided on the official website of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, the first post-holiday deliberations will begin on Wednesday, September 11, 2024. This will be the 15th session of the Sejm of the 10th term. It is planned for three days. MEPs will meet on 11, 12 and 13 September (Wednesday to Friday). Wednesday sessions will start at 10:00 am, while Thursday and Friday sessions will start at 9:00 am.

Construction work begins on Wiejska Street

The first post-holiday gathering on Wiejska Street promises to be busy. The agenda included up to eight bills scheduled for first reading. These are legal acts concerning, among others, de minimis aid, income tax, secondment of drivers in road transport and local government revenues. Work is also planned to amend the Electoral Code and the Labour Code. The deputies will also hear reports on the social pension, the activities of the last year of the Supreme Audit Office (NIK) along with a speech by the chairman of the Supreme Audit Office, as well as information on the activities of the National Council of the Judiciary in 2023.

What is the plan for the 17th session of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland?

The agenda of the 17th session of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland is as follows:

  • report of the Committee on Social Policy and Family on the draft Citizens’ Bill amending the Social Pensions Act (forms no. 30 and 583) – rapporteur Joanna Frydrych,
  • first reading of the government bill amending certain acts relating to the granting of de minimis aid (form no. 600) – explains the Prime Minister,
  • first reading of the government bill amending the Personal Income Tax Act and certain other legislation (form no. 60) – explains the Minister of Finance,
  • first reading of the government bill amending the Act on the posting of drivers in road transport and certain other laws (form no. 602) – explains the Minister of Infrastructure,
  • first reading of the parliamentary bill amending the Law – Electoral Code (form No. 556) – explains MP Michał Gramatyka,
  • first reading of the parliamentary bill amending the Personal Income Tax Act (form no. 599) – explains MP Janusz Kowalski,
  • first reading of the parliamentary bill amending the Law – Labour Code and some other acts (form no. 522) – explains MP Karina Anna Bosak,
  • first reading of the parliamentary bill amending the law on volunteer firefighters and some other laws (document no. 603) – explains MP Krystyna Skowrońska, MP Zbigniew Sosnowski,
  • report on the activities of the Supreme Court of Auditors in 2023 together with the opinion of the State Audit Commission (forms No. 483 and 566) – speech by the President of the Supreme Court of Auditors, representative of the Commission: Deputy Tomasz Kostuś,
  • information on the activities of the National Council of the Judiciary in 2023 together with the report of the Committee on Justice and Human Rights (forms No. 450 and 509) – speeches by the President of the National Council of the Judiciary and Deputy Tomasz Zimoch,
  • questions and information on current affairs.

The order in which the items on the agenda will be considered shall be decided immediately before the session by the Marshal of the Sejm in consultation with the Council of Seniors.

What else will the deputies discuss during the 17th session of the Sejm?

According to the information available on the official website of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, the agenda of the 17th session of the Sejm can be supplemented with:

  • report of the Public Finance Committee on the government bill amending the Act on Compulsory Insurance, the Insurance Guarantee Fund and the Office of Polish Motor Insurers and the Act on Insurance and Reinsurance Activities (form No. 553),
  • appointment of members of the State Commission for Combating Sexual Abuse of Minors under 15 Years of Age (forms No. 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598),
  • report of the Committee on Justice and Human Rights on the Senate resolution on the Constitutional Court Act (form no. 590),
  • report of the Committee on Justice and Human Rights on the Senate resolution on the Act – Provisions introducing the Constitutional Court Act (form no. 591).

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