A child in the window of life in Warsaw. The father left behind a six-year-old girl


A child in the window of life in Warsaw. The father left behind a six-year-old girl

On Thursday, at around 10 pm, the capital’s police received a report about a child left in the window of Life on Hożaj ul. The police officers who intervened in the case learned that the child left behind was a six-year-old girl.

An emergency medical team was also called to the scene. After examining the child, it was found that her condition was good and there was no need for hospitalization. A six-year-old girl was taken to a health unit.

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The police also established the identity of the child’s parents. After identifying them, it was discovered that the girl’s father was wanted to serve a prison sentence for evading child support payments.

On Friday, the family court will decide on the fate of the child. Asp Jr. Jakub Pacyniak, press officer for the Warsaw I District Police Commander, told Gazeta.pl that one of the parents left the child. He did not specify which guardian left the girl.

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