DIRECT. New government: Can Michel Barnier hold on? Tensions are rising and the leadership is becoming a headache

Victor Boolen

DIRECT. New government: Can Michel Barnier hold on? Tensions are rising and the leadership is becoming a headache

Negotiations to form a new government around Michel Barnier have been particularly troublesome this week, amid tensions with Les Républicains and the Macronist faction, who are loath to hear about tax increases.

“When he leaves, Barnier will give up”

According to a socialist MEP quoted by AFP, Michel Barnier may decide to leave office without having managed to form a government, given the inextricable crisis he is in. “When he leaves, Barnier will give up. He may approve,” this socialist believes. “What is his interest in this story? The situation is very tense.” “But if he leaves, it would be a real regime crisis and it could lead to more serious consequences, such as the resignation of Emmanuel Macron,” he fears.

Was Michel Barnier kidding himself by suggesting he was considering a tax increase?

Michel Barnier has alienated the entire macro-component, including Gérald Darmanin and Gabriel Attal, by suggesting that he could raise taxes without their approval, given the deteriorating state of public finances. But he is also on the right, making the issue a “red line” for participation in government. Has the Matignon tenant fallen into a trap? Decryption in our article 👇🏻

EXPLANATION. Michel Barnier and taxes: Did the PM trap himself by suggesting he was considering a hike?

Hello everyone and welcome to this live broadcast dedicated to the extremely tense political situation in France.

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