The peak of the wave reached Wrocław! The embankments were soaked


The peak of the wave reached Wrocław! The embankments were soaked

The night of Wednesday into Thursday was another night of flooding in south-west Poland. The peak of the wave on the Oder River reached Wrocław. According to the latest data from the IMWM, the water level in Trestno, on the border with Wrocław, is 631 cm and is lower than assumed in the worst-case scenario.

The flood wave on the Odra River has already passed through Opole without causing any damage to the city.

According to the latest IMWM data published on Thursday morning at 5:50 am in Trestno, the water level in the Oder is 631 cm, while – as Tomasz Sikora from the Wrocław city council told PAP – the worst-case scenario assumed 7.5 m.

This is more than was said during the day – there was hope for 5.6-5.7. But it is not the 6.5 meters we expected just two days ago.

– said Sikora. During the 1997 flood, the water level reached 724 cm.

Alarm levels were exceeded in the lower reaches of the Bystrzyca, a left tributary of the Oder fed by, among other things, the discharges of the reservoir in Mietków. Embankments leaked in two places in Marszowice, Wrocław. They were repaired by residents of the district, firefighters and soldiers, and residents from other areas of Wrocław also came to help. Firefighters and soldiers of the Territorial Defence Forces could also be found at the embankments from the mouth of the Bystrzyca to the Oder in Janówek.

The peak of the wave on the Bóbr River passed through Nowogród Bobrzański (Lubusz Voivodeship) in the evening. IMWM-PIB reported that the water level of the Bóbr River in this city is slowly stabilizing and is expected to gradually decrease in the coming hours.

Flooding of two polders in Wrocław

Before midnight, Wody Polskie reported the flooding of two polders in the northeastern part of Wrocław. The Blizanowice-Trestno and Oławka polders can store 3.8 and 12 million cubic meters of water respectively, and their task was to reduce the peak of the wave. City officials assured that this did not threaten the drinking water intakes used by MPWiK.

IMWM-PIB reported in the evening that alarm levels were exceeded at 57 hydrological stations in the Oder basin, by a maximum of 341 cm at the Krzyżanowice station on the Oder.

On Thursday 7th, the flood crisis team will meet again in Wrocław with the participation of Prime Minister Donald Tusk, among others. During the meeting, the current flood situation in south-west Poland will be discussed.

In the afternoon, the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the heads of government of the countries that, in addition to Poland, were affected by the disaster will also appear in Wrocław: Czech Republic – Petr Fiala, Slovakia – Robert Fico and the Chancellor of Austria, Karl Nehammer.


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