21 more days of vacation. Which illnesses qualify for this? [LISTA]


21 more days of vacation. Which illnesses qualify for this? [LISTA]

Employees who have a certificate of significant or moderate disability are entitled to time off work to participate in a rehabilitation session and undergo specialized examinations.

What conditions must be met to benefit from the exemption?

If an employee wants to take leave from work (it can be a maximum of 21 working days in a calendar year) and go to rehabilitation stayyou must:

  • get a doctor’s order for referral to a rehabilitation hospitalization (the doctor will specify the type of hospitalization and its duration)
  • present the employer with a referral for rehabilitation, keeping a suitable date so that the hierarchical superior can plan the work and possible replacement during the employee’s absence

Remember to keep the document issued by the organizer of your stay, proving your participation. It will be the basis for payment of the remuneration for absence from work, for which you are entitled to a cash equivalent for your annual vacation.

An employee with a certificate of significant or moderate disability may take leave from work to:

  • performing specialized tests
  • undergoing medical or rehabilitation treatments
  • get orthopedic supplies or repair them

The condition is that the above activities cannot be carried out outside working hours.

Certificate of incapacity. What illnesses does it cover?

The list of illnesses for which you can obtain a disability certificate is long. It includes, among others: neurological, cardiac, respiratory diseases, developmental and mental disorders, etc.

When qualifying for a significant, moderate and mild degree of disability, the scope of impairment of the body’s fitness caused by:

  • mental retardation, ranging from moderate retardation;
  • mental illnesses, including:

a) psychotic disorders
b) mood disorders, starting with disorders of moderate severity
c) severe and persistent anxiety disorders
d) dementia syndromes
3) voice, speech and hearing disorders, incl.
a) permanent damage to the motor function of one or both vocal folds
b) partial or total loss of the larynx for various reasons
c) speech disorders caused by brain damage – higher speech centers
d) deafness, bilateral deafness or hearing impairment that does not improve sufficiently with the use of a hearing aid or cochlear implant

  • diseases of the visual organ, including congenital or acquired defects of the visual organ causing limitation of its efficiency, leading to a decrease in visual acuity in the better eye to 0.3 according to Snellen after correction of the visual defect with corrective glasses or limitation of the field of vision to a space within 30 degrees
  • musculoskeletal disorders, including:

a) congenital and developmental defects of the musculoskeletal system
b) systemic connective tissue diseases depending on the period of the disease and the degree of functional capacity
c) arthritis accompanied by inflammation of the spinal joints depending on the degree of functional capacity
d) degenerative joint diseases depending on the degree of joint damage
e) bone and cartilage diseases with impaired functional capacity
f) cancers of the musculoskeletal system
g) post-traumatic changes depending on the degree of damage and possibilities of compensation

  • epilepsy in the form of recurrent epileptic seizures caused by various etiological factors or pronounced psychoneurological consequences
  • diseases of the respiratory and circulatory system, including:

a) chronic obstructive and limiting infectious pulmonary diseases that lead to respiratory failure
b) lung and pleural cancers, leading to respiratory failure
c) congenital and acquired heart defects, ischemic heart disease, cardiomyopathies, cardiac arrhythmias with hemodynamic disturbances qualifying at least for stage II heart failure according to the NYHA classification
d) high blood pressure with organic complications
e) occlusive atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower limbs, from the second degree of limb ischemia according to the Fontaine Classification
f) deep venous insufficiency with complications such as inflammation and long-term ulcerations

  • diseases of the digestive system, including:

a) diseases of the esophagus that cause long-term disturbances in its function
b) conditions after gastric resection for various reasons with numerous complications
c) chronic intestinal diseases of various etiologies, complicated by malabsorption syndrome
d) chronic liver diseases of various etiologies with liver failure
e) chronic pancreatitis requiring long-term pharmacotherapy
f) cancers of the digestive system

  • diseases of the genitourinary system, including:

a) urinary tract dysfunction leading to renal failure
b) kidney diseases of various etiologies that lead to acute or chronic uremia
c) adult-type polycystic kidney disease
d) malignant tumors of the urinary system and genital organs

  • neurological diseases, including:

a) transient, reversible and complete stroke, leading to periodic or permanent neurological deficits of varying degrees of severity
b) tumors of the central nervous system depending on the type, degree of malignancy, location and neurological deficits
c) post-traumatic cerebrasthenia and encephalopathy
d) inflammatory diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system leading to permanent neurological deficits
e) diseases of the extrapyramidal system depending on the neurological symptoms observed
f) spinal cord diseases
g) damage to cranial and peripheral nerves of various etiologies

a) diseases of the endocrine organs of various etiologies, caused by excessive secretion or deficiency of hormones depending on the degree of compensation or the presence of organic complications, despite ideal treatment
b) infectious diseases or acquired immunodeficiency syndromes depending on the stage of infection
c) chronic zoonoses of multiple organs in the second and third stages of the disease, depending on the organic changes
d) diseases of the hematopoietic system of various etiologies depending on pathological changes in the bone marrow cell lines in the hemopoiesis process
e) a significant degree of disfigurement that causes permanent limitations in interpersonal contacts and professional work

  • pervasive developmental disorders occurring before age 16, with persistent disturbances of social interactions or verbal communication and behavioral stereotypies.

Source: www.rynekzdrowie.pl

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